Some Random Poker Thoughts:
Folding Winners. Flyboy recently sent an email to a few of us poker nuts that said: "I have been playing 9 man rush .02/.05 and developed a set of rules that seem to deliver a profit most of the time. I am still occasionally stung by a set or set over set. But I try to minimize my losses when there or over cards on the board. This is a slow grinding way of making a profit. The name of the game is super tight. I am willing to muck a few possible winner to prevent the BIG losses." Cool! This is one of those a-ha moments that occur now and then. You can be told this kind of thing until the cows come home, but until you discover it yourself, it's just often empty advice. I frequently see written in older poker books the statement "if you're not occasionally folding winning hands, you're not playing good poker." When I learned this particular lesson a few years ago, my win rate took a definite bump upward.
Going South. I was told recently by someone who shall remain nameless (okay, it was the Guru) that I'm "a pussy" for going south in my Omaha rush games whenever I get ahead by 50% or more of my original buy-in. Yeah, probably. But until I learn the game better, I'm willing to called this, or worse, on my quest to a) master Omaha; and b) keep the bankroll growing.
Big Brother. Rumor on the forums and blogs is that the US Government is getting out of control again: FBI-FullTiltPoker. In addition, I've read that there's a push among some of the more conservative members of congress to get the UIGEA back on the front burner and fully enacted. What the hell is wrong with these idiots in Washington? We've got 40 million people without health insurance, an economy in tatters, joblessness at 10%, and a $13 Trillion dollar national debt.... and this is what they want to focus their efforts on? Telling me what I can and can't do with my own hard-earned money? Throw the bums out, starting with Senator Kyl of Arizona. A peerless schmuck if I've ever seen one.
Shocking Idea. I'm currently under contract to write a book for HP Publishing on electric vehicles, or EV's for short. The focus is on converting street-driven gasoline-powered vehicles to electric power EVs. Uh, okay. What does this have to do with poker? Nothing, really, but I thought of a cool vanity license plate for a poker player with an electric vehicle: PLUS EV.
Rush. I'm beating the $10NL FR Rush games fairly consistently these days, but I still tend to give back most of my profits at the Omaha tables. The 'roll continues building, but it's slow going. Two steps forward at $10NL, 1.5 steps back at Omaha. The good news is that the frequent player points keep rolling in, which have allowed me to win a bunch of $26 tokens lately at the 1800-point single table SnGs.
Chocolate Chips. Mister Multi has been obsessed lately with poker chips this past couple of weeks. If you want to know anything or everything about chip weights, sizes, denominations, the optimal number of different chips required to play a tournament, coloring up, history, brands, models, and so on, MM is your man. Cool stuff. Now if I can just get him to quit researching, order a damn set and get a home game going..... Sigh.
Operation Hindenburg. Uh, it's sputtering along. I played a little this week and added $10 to the 'roll. I'm up to $250 in the experiment, but I'm barely playing there these days because of Rush. I hate Rush.
Bonuses. Full Tilt recently gave me a $50 bonus offer. Thanks to Rush and all the frequent player points it generates, I cleared the bonus in one week with little fanfare. I love Rush.
Blogging Sparcity. With my day job, my book job, my family and house (plus time set aside for playing poker, of course!), I'm still in the post-once-a-week-at-most mode. Come July this will hopefully change. If I live that long. The candle burns at both ends and the middle, too.
All-in for now...
Very cool blog.