Special Bug Pages

Friday, July 2, 2010


Just flew in from San Diego.... and boy are my arms tired. Two weeks of biz-trip traveling hell has come to a finish.... whew. I've probably got another 3-4 trips coming up over the next couple of months..... but the worst of the travel is over....

....and so is my book project... well, almost. I'm 99% finished with the book..... so I can probably start posting back here more regularly again in a week or so. Just need to format the 80k word, 400 image tome, copy-edit it, and then send it off to the publisher....

...and not a moment too soon. Talk about burn-out..... it's going to be a long time before I recover and want to do another one of these little projects.....

...Writers call it "getting book pregnant" when you sign up for a project like this. Sure, it sounds fun to have a baby, but at about the seven month point in the gestation process you just want the damn thing over with. Then, a year or two later, you forget the pain of child birth and sign up to do another book..... Sigh.

Well, I'm sick of this particular pregnancy, and I just want it over with..... It cut WAY too much into my poker time....

.... which brings me to the subject of poker..... I have been playing a little.... but getting killed. I spent a little time with my PT3 stats on the last airplane flight, and the honest truth is I've been playing like crap. Chasing lots of long-shot draws, gambling too much, trying to hit a hand, playing weak-tight, drawing dead.... you name it, I've been doing it.... which has resulted in a huge hit to the bankroll..... sigh.....

....the only good news, if you can call it that, is that I attribute the poor play to me just being plain tired. Too much airplane seat time, too much crappy hotel food, too much jet lag. Quack, quack, quack....

....give me a week or two, and I figure to be back in fighting poker form..... or at least playing again on a regular basis....

....now if I can just remember how to play this silly game.....

All-in for now...

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