Special Bug Pages

Sunday, March 11, 2012

If it flies like a duck...

...we now interrupt your regularly scheduled blog for some miscellaneous quacking...

Blog posts may (or may not) be slow coming in the next few days, as I'm flying west over the Pacific tomorrow for another week-long business trip. Just checked-in online to print out my boarding passes, only to realize I've been booked on the early bird flight. How early is the bird? Try 5am, that's how early. Seriously, the plane is wheels-up at 5am. This means I have to get up at something like 2:45am tomorrow morning to make the flight. Quack....

....which means I arrive at noon at the other end, local time. So I have a half-day in that office still left for work on Monday. It's gonna be a looong work day manana. Double-quack...

...and I'm going to try avoiding playing any poker in the evenings on this particular trip, as the last time I was on the island I lost a sizable chunk of my bankroll due to jet lag, fatigue and non-A-game play. This is pretty typical of me on business trips lately, so I'm going to actively not play poker for the next five days. Quack quack quack...

...which is probably a good thing, as I lost a bundle yesterday and am still a little tilty about it this morning. I'm up a smidge for the week overall, but yesterday's debacle on the felt returned way too much of my profit from the past seven days to the fish pool. Combination of running bad and playing bad. Quackeroo....

...and to make things worse, I got enticed into playing Words With Friends yesterday, which is essentially just Scrabble played online via the Internet. Talk about addictive. I wasted nearly three hours yesterday playing the damn thing. Talk about a waste of valuable bandwidth. Talk about quack-quack....

...In other poker news, I stumbled upon this interesting little website that shows various TV-aired poker hands for each possible starting poker hand. Check it out by clicking here. The only quacking associated with this site worth mentioning is its affinity for Phil Helmuth videos. I repeat my usual mantra here: is there anyone in the poker world more annoying to watch play than Phil the Duck?

All-in quacking for now...

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