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Monday, June 9, 2014
Memphis MOJO out in third... Wow!
What an amazing night for Dave (MOJO) Smith. It started with him busting out the eleventh-place player (Jim Custer) early in the evening to advance himself and nine other players to the unofficial 10-handed final table. Then a short while later the 10th place guy got knocked out, and they were down to the official 9-handed table and the live streaming started. It was great fun watching the 30 minute delay throughout the night.
There's about a dozen key spots that happened during that final table, but I'll leave it to Dave on his own blog to discuss further. The bottom line was he was surrounded from the start by really, really tough players, including three well known poker professionals (Dennis Phillips, David Tran, and Dan Heimiller). Dave was stoic and solid, playing really balanced game, super tight and nitty at times (e.g. he folded pocket eights twice preflop within about 20 minutes of each other) but then attacked super strong in between those nitty stretches without fear. Solid, patient, selective, and very aggressive. Text book winning poker formula.
Congrats Dave! I'm really thrilled for you. Enjoy that $280,000 3rd place paycheck and come back next year even stronger to win it all!
All-in for now...
Thanks, Mark. I could feel the support of bloggers and friends which I believe helped me play as well as I could.